Welcome To 2nd Home
With over 25 years of service, 2nd Home, Inc. continues to celebrate the transforming power of the services provided to children and families of California. Our agency has become a leader in providing high-quality, nurturing residential care to children in need of a therapeutic milieu. At 2nd Home, Inc., children find safety, security, love, and the essential resources to navigate life as successful adults.

Our mission is to strengthen and enhance the lives of children by providing a safe, nurturing, therapeutic home environment that affords the children in our care the opportunity to flourish.

The vision of 2nd Home, Inc. is to provide superior services to encourage the stabilization of the greatest number of children through competent, caring adults trained in the most effective therapeutic trauma-informed care methods for the child and family.

The purpose of 2nd Home, Inc. is to provide the children in our program the intensive therapeutic services needed to stabilize and return home or step-down to a home-based family setting where the appropriate services can be provided. Our goal is to transition the children in our program within six to twelve months to a less restrictive environment. While in our program, we work diligently to help break the destructive cycle of abuse, neglect, and shame and replace it with an opportunity for each child to experience living a life of self-respect, responsibility, and productivity.
Treatment goals and therapeutic relationships are designed to help treat our children as a whole along with the issues associated with their trauma. By providing a safe and therapeutic living environment with intensive supportive services for the children, we work to improve their emotional and behavioral functioning, enabling the child to return to their family or a home setting. The children are encouraged to be involved in developmental and age-appropriate group activities to help them integrate into our therapeutic and nurturing environment. Socialization will be encouraged to help cultivate developmentally age-appropriate social skills, peer support, and self-esteem. 2nd Home, Inc. partners with Central Valley Regional Center, when appropriate, to understand and support the individualized needs of each child with developmental needs within our care. Our program’s focus is on the younger child’s behavioral needs. Developmentally delayed children can be proficiently served within the dynamics of the program. These activities may include, but are not limited to, building therapeutic relationships in the home, with staff, group therapy, therapeutic activities, school, community activities, and family members.

We recognize children who identity as LGBTQ+ may often experience trauma due to the real or perceived threat of judgment or rejection based on their sexual orientation and/or gender presentation. Our program will help the child to understand their trauma, sexual orientation, gender identity, and the impact on one’s emotional and behavioral needs through therapeutic support. 2nd Home, Inc. staff work to promote awareness and understanding regarding gender identity and expression and sexual orientation through therapeutic activities and education.
2nd Home, Inc. works closely with children of sexual abuse, including commercially sexually exploited children, to prevent re-traumatization. As needed, a safety plan, medical and/or mental health supports are implemented for each child. Staff is trained to therapeutically process sexually inappropriate behavior, teaching healthy methods of self-expression in its place. 2nd Home, Inc. Mental Health Clinicians, through individual and group therapy, help the child to work through their trauma and abuse history.